2024-2025 League Information:
- Rosters Due: June 19th, 2024
- League Starts: July 7th, 2024
- League plays on Sunday’s at 5 p.m.
- Handicapped
- Starting after week 3. Pull stats from last year, for those who don’t play in 1st 3 weeks.
- Max of 8 points per round
- New players come in as an “8”
- Playing 1 round plus 2 position weeks scattered in the season
- Floating subs
Weekly Kitty:$10 per player per night, not including quarters to play the games.
Total League Fees Due For Regular Season: $40 per team X 10 weeks =$400.00
Total League Fees Due For 2 Position Rounds: $40 per team X 2 weeks =$80.00
(OR $40 if your team has one of the two bye weeks)
Sanctioning For: ACS ($15 per player/2 weeks for WI Championship, 4 weeks for Midwest, 8 weeks for Nationals), SVI/MOMA ($5 per player / 32 games required), WSPA ($15 per player/ 4 weeks required), VNEA ($15 per player/ 12 weeks required), BCA/CSI ($20 per player/4 weeks required) =$70 PER PLAYER SANCTIONING.
Breakdown of Sanction & League Fees:
- It will be $280 at time of sign up, which is paying for the 4 regular player sanctions out the gate. If there is anyone on a roster that gets sanctioned with another league for what this league sanctions for that money will be given back on the prize checks at the end. Any additional sanctions will come out of the weekly kitty money which is going to be $10 per player per night ($40 per team).