- League plays on Wednesday’s at 7 p.m. starting on June 5th, 2024
- 3 Player/12 Game Format
COST PER PLAYER:$5 per player, per night, not including quarters to play the games.
TOTAL LEAGUE FEES DUE FOR 1ST HALF: $15 per team X 12 weeks of play = $180.00
SANCTIONED FOR: ACS ($15 per player/2 weeks for WI Championship, 4 weeks for Midwest, 8 weeks for Nationals), SVI/MOMA ($5 per player / 32 games required), WSPA ($15 per player/ 4 weeks required) =$35 PER PLAYER
Breakdown of Sanction & League Fees:
- $35 per player for sanctioning
- $140 per team will be charged upon sign up to account for 3 regular players plus 1 sub
- If a team only needs 3 players and doesn’t have to sanction the 4th then they will be refunded on their prize checks