2024-2025 League Information:
- Rosters Due: September 18th, 2024
- League Starts: October 2nd, 2024
- League plays on Wednesday's at 7 p.m.
- 4 Players
- 6 Games 501, 6 Games Cricket, 1 Game 701 Stacked
- Reverse Handicapped. Average to history. 2 weeks then current.
- 1st Half: 75% for '01. 6 Marks for cricket.
- 2nd Half: 85% for '01. 4 Marks for Cricket **New This Year**
- Play 1 round and then split into 3 divisions and play one more round
- Cash Drawings: $.50 per player per night (must play in at least 50% of league to qualify)
- Days off: November 27th, December 25th, January 1st
Weekly Fees: $10.00 per player per night (covers kitty money & quarters to play the games) **New Price**
League President: Micky Hanson
Vice President: Pete Graner
Sanctioning For: SVI/MOMA ($5 PER PLAYER/60 GAMES), WAMO ($5 PER PLAYER/ 9 WEEKS) , NDA ($10 PER PLAYER/ 96 GAMES) = $20.00 per player